Main Page

From twofo wiki
Revision as of 15:37, 19 May 2008 by Astropoint (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the Twofo Wiki


twofo represents the state of online discussion and filesharing for students at the University of Warwick. At present, it consists of a Direct Connect ('DC++') hub which is situated off campus, allowing us to share files and discuss stuff.

Due to Warwick ITS's current stance on filesharing, there will be no hub situated on campus any time soon. To connect to twofo from on campus, please see the How to Connect page.

This wiki is intended to information about the hub and how to use it.
Please see the Twofo Homepage for up to date information about the hub or join us the Twofo Forums for discussion about a wide variety of topics.

5GiB Minimum Share

Although you only need to share this amount to get onto the hub, for the benefit of everybody else , you should share everything useful that you have, NOT just whatever minimum we have imposed out of it. Blatant disregard of this is likely to result in you being kicked and banned. The share is kept low so that people with smaller hard drives can get onto the hub, NOT as an indication of how much is appropriate to share.

This wiki is best viewed in Firefox

Feel free to edit these pages (including this one!). if you muck things up, we can always revert back to the previous version. This is a MediaWiki, so look this up for information on how to do funky stuff with the text and graphics.
