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Need help connecting

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:58 am
by vic1234

I am new to teofo and i am currently having trouble connecting to the on campus network. I have manually imputed my internal IP (IPv4) however i still cant manage to connect. I keep getting the following message

[10:48] *** Connecting to <localhost:8000>...
[10:48] *** Connection timeout
[10:51] *** Connecting to <localhost:8000>...
[10:51] *** Connection timeout
[10:53] *** Connecting to <localhost:8000>...
[10:54] *** Connection timeout
[10:56] *** Connecting to <localhost:8000>...
[10:56] *** Connection timeout

Any help with be hugely appropriated.

Re: Need help connecting

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:52 am
by astropoint
I would say you haven't run stunnel. If you got the twofo version of DC++ it comes with an stunnel application as well. You need to double click that to run it first so it is running in the system tray before DC++ itself will be able to connect to twofo.